Before we were so rudely interrupted, the concept of a Bonjour Chai newsletter was hatched to expand on the topics discussed on the podcast each week—with plenty of talking points about Jews and Judaism and all things Jewish across Canada and beyond.
And that’s still the plan!
The email edition will be as free as the show, and hopefully connect and grow like the podcast has since its debut in March 2021.
But prior to getting this Substack relationship started, here’s a reminder that as part of The Canadian Jewish News, our efforts are driven by audience donations.
Tonight is a great time to start making a contribution if you haven’t already, because it also gets you on the guaranteed delivery list for the Hanukkah issue of our magazine.
The CJN happens to be one of relatively few journalism organizations currently registered with the Canada Revenue Agency to provide tax receipts for donations at every level.
You’ll be investing in every aspect of our creative mission, and this periodical—featuring articles written by Avi Finegold and Phoebe Maltz Bovy—will arrive at your door in the first few days of December:
Whether or not you’re donating to The CJN, or thinking about it for another time—albeit too late for this print delivery—here’s what else has been happening in the world of Bonjour Chai…
Phoebe wrote about the blurry lifestyle-politics divide at wartime—which included a visit to Café Landwer—and a column on the empty promise of moral certitude.
The aforementioned magazine features a glossy version of Phoebe’s feature on Naomi Klein’s book Doppleganger, which we’ll discuss further on the podcast soon.
Avi presented the Kiddush Cup in the second annual Great Canadian Sermon Slam to Rabbi Lisa Grushcow of Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom in Montreal, who’s also the consultant for Canada Post’s annual Hanukkah stamp.
Recently returning podcast guest Jesse Brown of Canadaland, who joined us to talk about media narratives in the Israel-Hamas war, has been spending more of his time talking about Canadian antisemitism trends to his followers on X.
Don’t miss the latest episode of the podcast: Violence or vandalism? As tensions rise, a debate over how much Jewish anxiety is justified.
Remember, you can donate right here tonight to The Canadian Jewish News. And we’ll be back with more of what we’re talking about.